Sunday, January 6, 2013

Alright switching direction again.

I have decided I just need to play more games, so I will now play a minimum of 5 games a day, blitz or no blitz. And see if that will help me improve.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Training fighting.

Alright, I play a friend on kaya, aldyvdg. He always beats me because he is the better fighter, he can simply read faster then I can. I usually play defensively, only getting into fights if I have to and never making things complicated. While this is a fine strategy for many professionals, using it for me has made me become lazy and my reading weak, this is why my rank has gone up, but my reading ability has gone down, I understand influence more, I understand fuseki more, joseki, strong solid moves, and how to fight when it's easy. But all that serves to mean that I can win a game without reading, and I realize that I basically don't, the reading that I do is very simple, since I only like to start fights when I am ahead.

So, to test this theory, I decided to play gnugo again, a bot I always beat using my strategy. This time just fighting, cut, pincer, attack. 

I lost, and my brain hurt. Moving took forever, and I realized that after just a few moves in a ladder I simply lost what zigzag I was supposed to be on. My game will certainly never get better if I continue to just make my play more solid.

So, from now on, my strategy will change, I will be the aggressive player, I will try to kill everything and make complicated fights, certainly my rank will go down, maybe to it's original 13k, maybe lower. But I will force myself to train my reading up again, and I will continue doing this until I am satisfied with my reading skill.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First step, lose 100 games.

My plan now is to lose 100 games, and have them reviewed, if they don't get reviewed, they don't count, if I do about 3 a day, I could be able to have them done in a month, I will do some go problems and some reading, but mainly games until this is finished. I want to see where my rank settles.

After this, I will try more study.